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Scanning Plautus

Plautus (Casina 39-42):

Īs sēr|vōs, sĕd ăb|hīnc ān|nōs fāc|t(um) ēst sē|dĕcīm,
quōm cōn|spĭcā|tūst prī|mŭlō | crĕpūs|cŭlō
pŭēl|l(am) ēxpō|nī, ădĭt | ēxtēm|pl(o) ād mŭlĭ|ĕrēm,
qu(æ) īll(am) ēx|pōnē|bāt: ō|rāt, ŭt ĕ|ām dēt | sĭbĭ

This servant—now, this happened sixteen years ago, when he managed to see a little girl being abandoned, at first light—immediately went up to the woman who was abandoning her and begged her to give him the child.

Even after Introduzione alla metrica di Plauto I haven’t really been able to get the hang of Plautine scansion.  I’ve tried to work through the lines I’ve worked with so far and usually end up giving up; these lines in iambic senarius are the first I’ve been able to scan satisfactorily.   The verse ictus coincides with the word accent, so it could also be read:

Is sér|vos, séd ab|hinc án|nos fác|tum est sé|decìm,
quom còn|spicá|tust prí|mulò | crepús|culò
puél|lam expó|ni, á
dit | extém|plo ad múli|erèm,
quæ illam èx|poné|bat: ó|rat, ú
t e|am dét | sibì

(Of course the stress of múlierem and the long vowels in exponebāt and orāt are features of archaic Latin.)

Hopefully I’ll be able to do more of these in the future.

[For abhinc.]

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